Sunday, March 24, 2013

Senior Care

Recently I have become concerned and interested in the care of senior citizens.
My Dad is having problems related to being on pain meds from breaking his back a few years ago.

He recently fell and ended up in a nursing home for rehab from breaking his hip.
Then he fell again in the nursing home and broke the other hip.
If he had not fallen again he would have been able
to go home in a month as opposed to 2 months.
Then he got sent home because of insurance
reasons and is still slow to heal.

My Dad was being cared for at home until he fell again and now he is in the Alzheimer's unit of
a nursing home for possibly the rest of his life. He is 76 years old.

My point is that he had a Urinary Tract Infection that can manifest as dementia in older adults.
I think that the combination of pain meds, the infection, and his diet are the cause of the issues.
I feel like it is too easy to put people in nursing homes these days and they don't have a voice.

It is difficult for me because after studying Nutrition and trying to get people to listen to me is
frustrating. I am in a transition point in my life and unable to help with the situation at the moment.
I do not want to give up because I don't want to be a Failure in something that I am Passionate about.